General Membership Meeting: October 2013

12 October 2013

Opening Matters

The meeting was called to order by President Jeffers at 1700. All present stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance. President Jeffers then introduced the Board of Directors (BoD) and club officers present.

Secretary James Lindner read the meeting minutes from the 2012 General Membership meeting. Tom Jeffers then moved to accept the 2012 General Membership Meeting Minutes. The motion was seconded by Al Geschke. The motion to accept the meeting minutes was approved.

Old Business

Budget Report: President Jeffers read the Treasurer’s report in the absence of Gary Moss, Treasure, who provided the following information via email:

2013 Starting Balance  $10,215.03
Credits Debits
Membership Income $13,078.67 Newsletter -$9,807.10
Interest $0.00 Club Administration -$1,052.70
Regalia Sales $160.00 Miscellaneous Reimbursements $0.00
Remaining past United $0.00 Remaining past United $0.00
Current United Deposits $15,932.67 Current United withdrawals -$1,411.50
Future United Deposits $0.00 Future United withdrawals -$500.00
Gain/(Loss) $16,400.04
2013 Year End Balance $26,615.07

A motion to accept the Budget Report was made by Barb Geshke and was seconded by Bob Sharkey. The motion to accept was carried.

Membership Report:  Curt Hoffman, Membership Chairman gave an update on the club membership. Currently, the club has 506 paid members, 4 lifetime members and 7 courtesy members. Other statistics include: 137 members receive electronic newsletters; 171 cars in the VIN database; and 725 cars are listed as owned by club members although this number is likely inaccurate since regular updates from members are rarely received. The club adds about three members each month, but loses about the same.

Chairman Hoffman then reviewed the VIN Registry Project. He explained the registry is located in the Members Only section of the website and individuals need a separate User ID/password which is assigned by the Membership Chairman. The VIN Registry serves as an excellent historical resource and provides details on cars to include color, engine, modifications etc. Members were encouraged to post their car’s information or update old information.

Chairman Hoffman then reviewed the Electronic roster. He started by stating that the hard copy roster is only updated every two years and is the clubs largest expense. The club is therefore trying to move to an electronic roster, which would be available online and always up to date. Members were encouraged to use the electronic roster.

Curt Hoffman then advised that due to expected travel in the coming year, he would be unable to continue as membership chairman and solicited a replacement from the membership. He then provided a brief overview of the duties, responsibilities and effort required for the position.

Regional Representatives: President Jeffers introduced the Regional Representatives present and publicly acknowledged their efforts.

                Joe Parlanti: Chesapeake

                Curt Bowland: Midwest

                Steve Halbrook: Florida

                Tom Ehrhart: Pennsylvania

                Bill Mounce: New Jersey

                Doug Jennings: Ohio

                Russ Eschelman: Virginia

                Eric Gibeaut: Carolinas

New Business

Nominations for club officers and board members: President Jeffers then reviewed the nominations for the upcoming elections for club officers and BoD.

The following individuals have volunteered to serve another term as club officers:

                Pam Jeffers: President

                John Logan Jr.: Vice President

                James Lindner: Secretary

                Gary Moss: Treasurer

Gary Moss is completing his 4th term as treasurer and cannot run for this position again. Barb Geshke offered her name as nominee to fill the position.

Robert Jaarsma will step down from his position on the BoD. The following individuals have volunteered to serve another term on the BoD.

                Judy Sharkey

                Dave Reina

President Jeffers solicited other nominations from the membership. Tom Ehrhart nominated Joe Parlanti to replace Robert Jaarsma on the BoD.

A motion to accept the above nominations was made by Dave Kellog and seconded by Curt Bowland. The motion to accept the nominations was carried. Nominations will be posted in a forthcoming club newsletter no later than Dec 2013.

SUNI VI: President Jeffers announced that SUNI VI was scheduled for June 29 – July 4 2014 in Colorado Springs, CO. President Jeffers explained the history of SUNI and added that it had not evolved as originally envisioned—a collaborative event involving all Sunbeam Clubs. Currently, the planning, organization, and staging of SUNI events are dominated by a single person. Consequently, TE/AE has decided to hold United gatherings during SUNI years. The 4 year Plan for upcoming TE/AE United gatherings is as follows:

                2014       Boyne Mountain, MI

                2015       Midwest

                2016       South

                2017       Mid-Atlantic

United XXXIII: John Logan Jr. gave an overview of United XXXIII scheduled for Boyne Mtn, MI on 11-14 September 2014. He stated that planning has already started and he solicited volunteers for anybody wanting to help organize and run the event.

President Jeffers then solicited volunteers to begin planning the 2015 Midwest United. Anyone with ideas for that event should contact Midwest Regional Representatives Curt Bowland and Doug Jennings.

Website and Forum Update: President Jeffers introduced Kerch McConlogue the club Webmaster. Ms. McConlogue solicited any questions the membership might have about the website. She then went on to solicit photos from this event. She also solicited feedback from the membership as to what they want from their website.

Eric Smyder, the TE/AE Forum Moderator then reviewed the status of the TE/AE Forum. He stated how features were being added and he solicited feedback from the membership. He also said he is working with moderators for the different sub-forums to promote interaction with visitors to the forum.

President Jeffers asked the membership if anyone could take on a project to make the website’s historical pdf files searchable. Jennifer Arters volunteered.

Newsletter Editor and Webmaster Succession: President Jeffers expressed the need for a succession plan for the newsletter editor and Webmaster, two critical positions within the club. President Jeffers added that the club needs to identify qualified individuals for these positions in advance. She solicited volunteers from the membership.

Open Membership Comments: President Jeffers opened the floor to comments from the membership. Dave Reina, who was responsible for organizing the nominees for the Historic Vehicle Association “This Car Matters Award” reviewed the criteria for the award.

Eric Gibeaut reminded the membership that Club Regalia and Sunbeam Survivor Manuals are available for purchase. Moreover, the club was switching to an online ordering system.

John Logan Sr. moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by John Logan Jr. The motion was carried and the meeting was adjourned at 1900.

Submitted by Jim Lindner, Secretary

Date posted here does not necessarily match the date minutes were submitted.