General Membership Meeting: Sept 2014

Tigers East/Alpines East
General Membership Annual Meeting
Boyne Mountain Resort, MI
September 2014

Opening Matters

President Pam Jeffers called the annual meeting of the Tigers East/Alpines East (TEAE) to order at 5:05 p.m. President Jeffers then introduced the Board of Directors (BoD), club officers, and regional representatives present.

President Jeffers read the minutes from the 2013 General Membership Meeting. A motion to accept the minutes was made and seconded. The motion to accept the minutes as read was approved.

Old Business

Treasurer Report: Treasurer Barb Geshke reported the club currently has a balance of $24,941.95 as of the end of August. The amount is higher than normal because of United XXXIII funds deposited and expenses yet to be paid.

Membership Report: Joe McConlogue provided the following membership information: Total Membership: 512 (490 regular/22 lifetime.) Membership is down about 20 members during the current year. Subscriptions are 30% electronic vs. 70% paper; 96% have email access; PayPal vs. check payment is evenly divided, as is one year vs. two year subscriptions. All new and current members were urged to get into forum and use it regularly.

Webmaster Report: Kerch McConlogue reported the most visited sections on the club website are the tech articles and calendar. It was noted that other clubs visit our site to view calendar items, which gives us more exposure overall.

Forum Report: Eric Smyder not present.

Rootes Review Editor Report: Tod & Marilee Brown not present.

Publicity: Robert Jaarsma—work continues on United Planning Manual.

Regalia: Eric Gibeaut—work continues on plan for online site to order all kinds of logo items.

Archived TEAE Newsletters: Jennifer Arters has completed converting TEAE newsletters into searchable pdf files using special software acquired last year. The converted newsletters are dated from the creation of TEAE to about 2002. Five of the early TEAE newsletters were posted on the website in time for United BoD review (Pull Down TAB, About Us/Sample Rootes Review.) Jennifer should be recognized for her efforts.

There are approximately 250 issues from the beginning of TEAE through 2002. These should be read through by Volunteers to index technical articles and make the collection useful to members. Tom Calvert suggested, and all agreed, to add the technical articles to the “SURVIVOR.” Lora and Warren Whitley, Wayne Pierzga, Harry, Elam, Tom Longworth, Art Bonsignore, and Jim Sauers volunteered to search the newsletters for technical articles. Tom Ehrhart will coordinate initiative

New Business:

New club banners were purchased and distributed to each regional representative.

Eric Gibeaut reported that he was contacting Buck Trippel to contribute $250 to Rootes Archives (as approved by BOD).

President: Pam Jeffers
V-President: John Logan
Secretary: Jim Linder
Treasurer: Barb Geschke

Board Of Directors: Steve Towle 2015 -2017

Motion was made and approved to accept 2015 slate of nominations for officers and the BoD.

United XXXIV 2015: Bob Webb/Eric Gibeaut continue tentative planning for Dayton, OH July 28 -August 2. The event will include a tour Young’s Dairy Bar and the U.S. Air Force Museum. Mike Phillips would handle registration and Doug Jennings the autocross.

Tom Jeffers announced that he has extra mugs and a few shirts left for sale.

Russ announced that not everyone has been utilizing the premier lot for parking of their Rootes vehicles, and it would be nice to have everyone in one place.

Helen Swift has a broken hip and Tom Ehrhart will be calling her; cards are circulating around for people to sign and wish her a speedy recovery.

John Logan Sr. moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Alan Geschke. The motion was carried and the meeting was adjourned.